
Compliance Support

The Gamma Care's Compliance Initiative

Since its inception Gamma Care has maintained its goal to uphold a “VIP” experience for any parties we encounter. In striving to do this, our agency highly promotes a culture of our most important core values: integrity, transparency, loyalty and most important Compliance in offering multiple services within our focused portfolio to meet the needs of our members, agents, agencies, and related partners.

Our Codes of Conduct, Compliance Charter and Policies and Procedures reflect these expectations from anyone conducting business on behalf of Gamma Care.

See something? Say something!

Use Faceup for easy, anonymous reporting. You can submit a report by going to Access Code Gamma2024. Send your reports in writing or in a voice message. Using advanced technology will keep your submissions anonymous (voice distortion, suspended recording of identifiable information). If you chose to speak to a representative to obtain details or check status on a submitted issue, you can engage the chat feature.

Our goal is to address the issues reported immediately and use the information to strengthen the compliance program and continue to improve organizational integrity.

*Compliance Charter, Policies and Procedures, and Codes of Conduct are all available upon request. Click Here to place your request.

We want to hear you

Fill out this short form for suggestions and complaints.

*Compliance Charter, Policies and Procedures, and Codes of Conduct are all available upon request.

Click Here to place your request.